Sugar Free
Today I can't eat any sugar.
My brother aggravated me and I put my hand over his mouth. Then I got in trouble with my mom. My punishment: no sugar today. All day.
But I just got a great idea. Since my Pop is diabetic, he has loads of sugar-free cookies. I wonder if I could have just one of those?
My brother aggravated me and I put my hand over his mouth. Then I got in trouble with my mom. My punishment: no sugar today. All day.
But I just got a great idea. Since my Pop is diabetic, he has loads of sugar-free cookies. I wonder if I could have just one of those?
At 5/15/2006 7:41 PM, merrill5 said…
oh no!!!! no sugar!!!!!!! that's torture!!!!!! but I thinh you're onto something with the sugar-free cookies. Let me know if it works!
At 5/15/2006 8:04 PM, Anonymous said…
Oh Kayla, you're always thinking - that's what I like about you! I think your Mom's idea was for you to think about your actions, not think about a way around the consequences. You're very clever though, and cleverness is good. The dictionary says a clever person is mentally quick and original; bright. That's you!
I love that you've begun a blog. I'll be sure to read it often.
Love, Miss Barbara
At 5/17/2006 9:19 AM, Kayla Joy Rodgers said…
It didn't work.
At 5/17/2006 9:21 AM, Kayla Joy Rodgers said…
Miss Barbara
I do need to think about my actions more than my consequences.
I'm really happy that you read my blog.
Love, Kayla
At 5/19/2006 6:52 PM, Anonymous said…
No sugar?! How on earth did you survive? Good to see you again even if it is in pictures. I found out that you had a blog from your Uncle Dan. I will try to keep in touch from time to time. Now I can see how things are going in your neck of the woods. Check out my blog as well at
Well I will see you later.
timmy straight
At 5/20/2006 12:00 AM, danohlerking said…
no sugar, but a comment from timmy straight. a good trade, i'd say. he hasn't ever commented on my blog. wow.
i want to know whether putting your hand over levi's mouth ever works. seems like he's too quick to let you do that without licking your hand or something....
at least that what i always did to your uncle david when he put his hand over my mouth.
At 5/25/2006 8:53 AM, Ben Rodgers said…
I love ya baby... You are more consistent in blogging than I am. Once again you've taught your daddy something
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